Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where've I been??

Well it's here.  Alaska's three weeks of fall. I remember my first year in Fairbanks it snowed on my birthday the third week of September.  I love the fall, but sadly I haven't had much time to enjoy the crisp air or yellow of birch trees.  We've been at full speed ever since returning from sunny beaches a month ago.  It's been moving madness and gearing up for winter.  The last weeks of August were spent tirelessly trying to leave the steel grip of Hell's very own landlord... (other than Satan that is).  We'll just say that I've never had anyone make me work so hard for money and then try to cheat me out of it at the last minute.  I think I've finally made peace with it, but the thought of "that man" sure did take me to a dark place.  Happily though we've traded him in for a nicer model.  She seems like the most normal person I've ever met.  It's like I don't mind writing a check for the rent.  How weird is that?

Moving on...

So, we have a new home.  It's smaller and still doesn't have a flush toilet, but can I say that it is cute and cozy!  We're acclimating fairly well to loft life, and Ian is loving clean floors to chase kitties on.  Even the outhouse has appeal if that's possible.  

And... last week we added a new member to our family just in time for Fall... a big orange truck.  That's right people.  The Munozes are no longer a one-car family.  How exciting!  Big Orange has a helluvah lot of miles and one nasty tailpipe but it was some kind of bargain.  And what a thrill to pay cash for it... signed, sealed, delivered right in our driveway.

And the fabulous news keeps coming!  Also last week Manuel got an oh-so-tasty package in the mail from a certain King College in Bristol, Tennessee.  Yes! Yes! After much weeping and gnashing of teeth he is finally a college graduate with a B.S.  I am pleased as punch with the way this summer is wrapping up!

Today we celebrate (in thought only because Manuel works a fifteen hour day) our 3 year anniversary.  And next month my little angel will be one year old.  What?!  Can it be...?


I have the distinct feeling that things are happening.  The pieces of the puzzle are falling in to place.  As I  stand outside in the cold air and watch for lights in the sky I feel a mix of anxious and calm.  This is me right now.  It could be the manic of last warm days or it could just be this moment in my life.  My sense of expectation is sure to carry me through the cold, dark days ahead.

But wouldn't you know that there are lights to light the way??