Why does anybody blog?
I think it follows a simple formula: One part information + One part inspiration + Dash narcissism = the average blog. I guess I'm no different. I don't have anything profound to say. And I don't think my life is particularly interesting. All I know is that sometimes at night my head spins with conversations that never happen. I feel myself explaining to various people why I do things a certain way. Or I just feel a surge of mildly creative energy. The need to verbalize ideas or just get my thoughts out so I don't have to think about them anymore.
And so, after much deliberation I've decided to give this blogging a whirl. Maybe through it I'll have a place to send people when I'm misunderstood. Or when people ask me, "Why on Earth did you move to Alaska?" Or, "Why are you sitting at home when you could be using your degree?" These are all great questions, but I've found over the last few years that life answers don't come quickly. Knowing is not always a good thing. As I approach thirty this might appear to be a precarious place to be, but for me it's just fine. I am learning and discovering and deciding who I am in my own time.
Naturally, the birth of my son five months ago was a transformative experience for me. If you know me at all then you've probably heard me refer to the past year as a journey down a "rabbit hole" of discovery. Everything is put into perspective when another person exists for whom you are completely responsible. I find myself doing and saying things I never thought I would. My love is not only limitless for this one little person but also brings to life so many possibilities. In short, because I feel myself open up so much, great change seems so much easier. The future is wide open.
I can't tell you what this blog will be about, but I have an inkling that it will be about my journey of self-discovery. It might be funny. It might be pensive. It might be sad or joyful. More than likely it will contain grammatical errors. For the first time in my life I am not writing for a grade. I am only writing for me.
"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less."
- Vaclev Havel
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